Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13, 2010 - If There Were

If There Were

If there were no promises ever broken
And all our dreams came true
Oh, what a world we would live in
The days we could wake up to

If one were never lied to
Never taken in by deception
Trust could be gained so easily
Without exception

If hearts remained in love forever
Never tiring never breaking
No heartaches would there ever be
Nor would any tears be falling

If there were no trials or tribulations
No deception and no pain
Where would life's lessons lie
Or the incentive to maintain

  Neva Flores  2010


Jonie said...

So true - we learn and grow most when we are in the valleys of life.
God bless you.

Kate Smedley said...

It would be wonderful if life were like that but as Jonie said, we do grow in the valleys. Beautiful poem Neva, as always.

Anonymous said...

If..... The biggest two letter word in the world....:)

phyllis said...

If Only---Saddest words--- we grow to soon old, too late smart--- So much emotion in this beautiful poem--what a gift you have, capturing so much experience in so few carefully crafted words-

BBB said...

We would take it all for granted and not realize it's joy!

Paul said...

Very True!