Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11, 2009 - This Place

This Place

Sometimes I visit you
When you are out
And I see that
You visit me too

I come to see
What makes you smile
And sets your heart aglow
All of this is part of you
And are things
I want to know

It makes me smile
When I see
The things that we both share
My interest in you ever grows
As I see new things
Of which
I was not aware

I may not ever see your face
Or even shake your hand
But this I know
With all my heart
I have found a friend

Neva Flores


Robert Miller said...

A beautiful poem Neva, and I am glad I have made friends with you also.

Anonymous said...

This is great Neva, and so true. Without SU, I never would have met and had a friend like you.

phyllis said...

Neva , this is so true, I am grateful for SU and the internet for many things ; Without it I would never have met you, nor had the joy of knowing what a wonderful woman you are, what a privilege I have >

Bruim5 said...

Thank You Neva, yes I do call you friend, and love the verses you so lovingly pen and send to us.
David Nagel.

Scott W. said...

There's not a Hallmark written yet, that could express my gratefulness of our friendship, Neva. On rare occasion, there are few words to express one's gratitude. This is one of those moments.

- Scott -