Thursday, December 31, 2009

January 01, 2010 - No Chains

No Chains

Let not my heart be chained to thee
Please loose these shackles now
Don't clip my wings so I can't fly
As I may forget how

I was born a free spirit
And I must fly
I have to spread my wings
I must be free to express myself
You mustn't change
In me these things

No chains are needed
To hold my love
My passion for you only burns
I'll love you no matter where I roam
I may fly but I'll return

-Neva Flores 2009


Anonymous said...

"No Chains" What a great start for the new year Neva.

phyllis said...

Oh my , this is so perfect . for so many who need to break chains keeping them from flying !!

BBB said...

Excellent Neva!!

Robert Miller said...

beautiful Neva,