Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 10, 2010 - Never Find Again

Never Find Again

There is such a sweetness
In the time I spend with you
Closeness like I have never felt
And I know you feel it too

Such mountains we have climbed
What bridges we have built
As we have learned one another
In all these feelings we have felt

We have come to a crossroad
And must decide which way to turn
Will we go around the mountains
Or the bridges burn

We can't deny this sweetness
And the beauty that is within
What we two have built and climbed
We may never find again

Neva Flores 2010


songstress51 said...

this one is fantastic Neva.

Anonymous said...

A nice one Neva. It seems kind of hopeful with a slight note of sorrow.

phyllis said...

Neva- there is always risk ; some chances never come again. Time for hope now -

Robert Miller said...

Beautiful Neva,